Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We spent the last two days in Paris! It was so wonderful and such a romantic few days. After a rough train ride that we were lucky to make, we decided our first stop would be the Eiffel Tower. We waited in line for about 3 FREEZING hours before finally making it to the top. Although it was cold and long, it was perfect and worth the wait. The views from the top were spectacular.

After being outside in the cold for hours, we had some much needed coffee before heading over to the Arc de Triomphe and a few other sites before dinner. The next day started with unpleasant rain and a lot of sight seeing. We did everything from Notre Dame to the Royal Palace. It was a long day, but we were able to see everything we wanted to see.

After a short nap, we headed out for a great French dinner. The food was unbelievable and the ambience was exactly what we imagined. It was such a wonderful and magic 2 days! We left this morning for Dublin. This will be a little change of pace, but we will definitely be welcoming the New Year in the perfect place!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

K & B-

having so much fun on our trip. Can't wait until part two in the swiss alps!

love ya, N & M