Monday, December 8, 2008

O Tannenbaum

Brian and I are ready for Christmas! We have our tree up and are starting to decorate a little bit for the holidays and Marie and Nick's arrival! Only 16 more days! Does my excitement show? Haha! This week is going great! We're having a Christmas party on Friday night, so we've been trying to get everything ready for this weekend! I hope everyone is getting excited for the holidays!


jacinta25 said...

Your tree looks great
Have a great party and
I hope Brian gives a shout out
to Bud lite at the party.

love mom

Stephanie A. said...

Love the tree!! We are gonna miss you guys again this year! Christams ain't the same!! Glad you are having so much fun. I have been sharing your blog with people at is so much fun to read about your adventures!! Happy Holidays you two!! Luv ya lots!!
Cuz Steph!!

other Dad said...

Love your Blog & keeping us up to date with your adventures.
Did you use your Mom's "award winning" stuffing recipe for Thanksgiving?
Sammy & Tiki are doing well - just got in from letting Sam play in the snow - he loves it.
Call whn you get a chance.
Dad H.

lisa said...

love your tree!