Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Brian and I had a great time visiting the city of Augusta. EZ-GO gives us a lot to think about. I loved the city! It's a very beautiful place and I would love to live there in the future. Over the next few months, Brian will continue to decide where he wants to end up after his rotation in Germany. I'm excited to settle down and find a place to live.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Visiting Papa

Brian and I visited Papa and Margaret Ann last weekend in Roanoke, VA. We had a lot of fun and were able to spend some time with Brian's grandpa. Time is really going quickly and our move to Germany seems to be creeping up on me. I can't believe it's only a few weeks away. I finally bought boxes and am getting ready to start packing. We're off to Augusta, GA on Thursday. Brian has an interview and I'm excited to tour the town.