Sunday, November 16, 2008


Brian and I had a pretty slow weekend, but did manage to make it out in Dusseldorf on Friday night. Our friend, Stephan, was celebrating the completion of his thesis, so we decided to join his celebration. Dusseldorf is a pretty exciting town. We didn't do any sightseeing, but enjoyed the nightlife! Dusseldorf is different from Bonn. Bonn is a very casual city. It's rare to see people out on the weekends in dresses or suits. In Dusseldorf I felt a little under dressed. Many of the women were in dresses or nice outfits and the men were actually wearing suits and ties. It's funny to see such a difference in style only 70km away.

Brian left for the airport at 6am this morning. He has his TLP conference this week in Fort Worth, TX. It will be a pretty lonely week, but since his manager will be attending the conference as well, it will give me a pretty busy week of watching her children. I've still been watching her kids about 4 days a week. I don't have any exciting plans for this week, but Brian and I do have a fun Thanksgiving planned. We head to Athens, Greece on Friday, November 28th for a 3 night vacation. Since Brian doesn't get Thanksgiving off here, we're leaving Friday morning and returning Monday afternoon. I'm really looking forward to seeing a new place!

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