That's right, we're officially moving to Augusta, GA in March 2009! After 5 months of deciding where we would want to go, Brian accepted a position with E-Z-GO Golf Carts with 3 weeks to spare. I'm finally going to get the warm weather I've always wanted and the location I was hoping for. We're just starting to figure out the details. I'm working on finding housing, a job, and organizing our 13 hour drive from Michigan. We're excited that we'll get time off to spend with family too! Hopefully we'll have time to see everyone when we're back home the first week of March.
Congrats B on the new job!!! We cannot wait to visit you and Krissy in GA. love you and miss you!
sad we're going to miss you while you're in MI, but so glad you two are off to GA!
I am so excicted! I can't wait to start our new lives!
Time for the VanAsperens and the Haglunds to have a second home in GA. :)
We are very excited that you are coming home soon and congrats to
Brian and landing the job.
Love Mom V
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