Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We leave tomorrow morning for Athens, Greece. I can't wait for a new adventure.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving from Germany!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We leave tomorrow morning for Athens, Greece. I can't wait for a new adventure.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Let it Snow!
Brian made it back safely to Germany on Saturday. His luggage was lost again (they lost it in Augusta last Monday), but luckily found after a few hours of waiting. Between Nick and Brian, I think they would win an award for airlines losing your bags. Brian and I had a relaxing weekend. We walked around the Christmas markets, bought a Christmas tree, and watched a few movies that he brought back from the States.
I hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving this week! I'm sure the Haglund's are soaking up the sun in Hawaii. I wish we were there! I hope the VanAsperen's are helping mom get everything ready for Thursday...I wish I could help! I also hope Dave had a wonderful birthday!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Christmas Markets

Thanksgiving will be a little lonely on Thursday. I plan to try and find a turkey to cook and have a few sides, but not much since it's just us two. But don't feel too bad for us, we leave Friday morning to Athens, Greece! We're spending three nights there. I'm so excited to see a new place!
Brian returns tomorrow morning from Texas. His conference went well. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoys the holiday! I miss you all!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Brian left for the airport at 6am this morning. He has his TLP conference this week in Fort Worth, TX. It will be a pretty lonely week, but since his manager will be attending the conference as well, it will give me a pretty busy week of watching her children. I've still been watching her kids about 4 days a week. I don't have any exciting plans for this week, but Brian and I do have a fun Thanksgiving planned. We head to Athens, Greece on Friday, November 28th for a 3 night vacation. Since Brian doesn't get Thanksgiving off here, we're leaving Friday morning and returning Monday afternoon. I'm really looking forward to seeing a new place!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Family in Germany!
The picture above is Brian and Lacy on her first night here. We sampled beer from a local brewery and ate traditional German cuisine. Lacy and I did some sightseeing around Bonn over the next few days while she was here.
This is a picture of Lacy and me on the University of Bonn grounds. We had some great weather and were able to see all of the sights in Bonn! After doing lots of sightseeing in the city, we decided to really get to know the culture of the city by going to a show. Lacy is an actor so she definitely wanted to experience Theater in Germany. Unfortunately, the show we attended was horrible! Haha! We obviously couldn't understand it, but it had no action. We're still not sure what the show was about, but we did understand that it was four people in business suits standing and talking in only one room....needless to say, we left after 30 minutes!
On the 31st, 7 of us went to Amsterdam to celebrate Halloween. We didn't dress up (since no one does or celebrates Halloween in Europe), but we had a lot of fun! We walked around the city, went to several bars, and really had a great time!