Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
The next day I forced everyone out of bed so we could get to the Atomium as early as possible to beat the lines. This is a HUGE metal structure which resembles an atom and serves no purpose. It was built for the world exposition, like the Eiffel tower, but is anything but romantic or beautiful. We were able to go inside and go into the different areas. The view from the top was great, but the Atomium was not that impressive. The only thing impressive is that someone actually had the idea to build a giant atom that would serve no purpose…
We headed back to the city and checked out a few churches, including one that it is famous for peeing on. That’s right, you are allowed to pee on the church. It actually has pseudo urinals. And yes, you guessed right, Brian put them to good use. We then decided to venture out to the “best French Fries in Brussels”, but were a little disappointed that it was closed. With our hunger building, we decided Mussels in Brussels were the way to go for dinner. We all tried the mussels, including Marie! No one actually liked them…except Brian!! He’s becoming quite the seafood lover… We decided to head back to the hotel early, since we drank all of the beer in Belgium the night before and had an early train ride to Paris this morning. We’ll be in Paris for the next 2 days and are excited for our next adventure!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas from the VanAsperen girls!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve...from Luxembourg
Tomorrow Marie and Nick arrive! We're so excited. Tonight Brian and I will just be getting everything ready for Christmas tomorrow. For Christmas dinner, we'll be having Marie, Nick, Brad, and Daniel. I'm cooking my first ham and also a small turkey. It should be interesting...
Brian and I really miss you all and can't wait to see you next year!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ice Skating and Our Christmas Trip

We decided to hold off on travel until Marie and Nick arrive in 6 days. Our Christmas trip will be a lot of traveling, but is going to be so much fun! We begin our trip by picking Marie and Nick up in Amsterdam on Christmas day. We're planning (if Marie and Nick aren't too exhausted) to walk around the city for a short time (everything will be closed) then head back to Bonn. On our way back, we're going to stop at Asperen, Netherlands.
A little Van Asperen history:
I don't know much about my family heritage, but I do know that when my ancestors came to America, they took the last name of the village they came from..."Asperen" Van in Dutch means from, so we apparently took the name "from Asperen" which is "Van Asperen". Asperen was a former municipality in Zuid-Holland; since 1 Jan 1986 it is part of Lingewaal municipality in Gelderland province. It was part of the region known as "Vijf-herenlanden".

That's about all I've researched about my family history, but it should be exciting to see...we'll return to Bonn in the late afternoon and have a nice Christmas dinner. On the 26th we're going to spend the day in Cologne. We leave on the 27th for Brussels, Belgium. We spend 2 nights there before heading to Paris, France on the 29th. We will do some great sight-seeing and leave on New Year's Eve for Dublin, Ireland. We'll bring in the New Year in style with Irish music and our own pub crawl. We're meeting some of our friends in Dublin as well. We fly into Dusseldorf, Germany on January 2nd and plan to spend a few hours there if we're not too exhausted. We'll have a relaxing night back in Bonn before driving to Switzerland on the 3rd. Our drive will be through southern Germany, Austria, and the smallest German speaking country in the world: Liechtenstein. We'll be in Savognin, Switzerland for 3 days and will ski down the Swiss Alps (I'm so nervous). We're staying in a winter sports city so there will be everything from skiing to curling. We head back to Bonn on January 6th. Marie and Nick leave on the 7th. We will all probably be so exhausted, but it will be so much fun!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Our Christmas Party
The first picture is of all of the TLP's in Germany singing Christmas carols and the picture to the right is of Brian playing one of our Xmas games.
This is Brian's last week of work until January 5th, so he'll probably be really busy trying to get everything done before the holidays. I have class this week, but won't babysit because the family is back in the States for the holidays.
Monday, December 8, 2008
O Tannenbaum
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Back to School...

Between class and babysitting, time is really flying by this week. Brian gets home tonight from Northern Germany. His plant visit went well and things are really coming together for him at work. The Bonn plant and office are on shut down from December 19 - January 4 so Brian will have more time off than anticipated for Christmas. We are starting to plan a trip to Sweden before Marie and Nick arrive on Christmas. Only 21 more days!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Athens, Greece
After arriving on Friday night, we found our way to our hotel. The hotel we stayed at was very interesting and quite funky. The reception desks were o
The next morning, Brian and I were able to tour the Acropolis to see the Parthenon. It rained the entire day, but we were still able to get to the top and see everything. The only positive thing about all of the rain was the lack of tourists.
After a long day of sight-seeing and being soaking wet from head to toe, we decided to eat at a traditional Greek restaurant with a very warm fire place. The food was great! We were also able to experience a little night life as well. We didn't stay out too late because we knew we
We made it back to Bonn around 2pm today. Brian had to go into work and I had to pick up my text books for German class that starts tomorrow. I have it Monday - Friday from 9-12. It is going to be very intense, but I'm glad I'll be able to learn a little bit of the language while I'm here! Brian leaves tomorrow morning for a 3 day business trip to northern Germany. I should keep really busy between my classes and babysitting.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving from Germany!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We leave tomorrow morning for Athens, Greece. I can't wait for a new adventure.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Let it Snow!
Brian made it back safely to Germany on Saturday. His luggage was lost again (they lost it in Augusta last Monday), but luckily found after a few hours of waiting. Between Nick and Brian, I think they would win an award for airlines losing your bags. Brian and I had a relaxing weekend. We walked around the Christmas markets, bought a Christmas tree, and watched a few movies that he brought back from the States.
I hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving this week! I'm sure the Haglund's are soaking up the sun in Hawaii. I wish we were there! I hope the VanAsperen's are helping mom get everything ready for Thursday...I wish I could help! I also hope Dave had a wonderful birthday!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Christmas Markets

Thanksgiving will be a little lonely on Thursday. I plan to try and find a turkey to cook and have a few sides, but not much since it's just us two. But don't feel too bad for us, we leave Friday morning to Athens, Greece! We're spending three nights there. I'm so excited to see a new place!
Brian returns tomorrow morning from Texas. His conference went well. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoys the holiday! I miss you all!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Brian left for the airport at 6am this morning. He has his TLP conference this week in Fort Worth, TX. It will be a pretty lonely week, but since his manager will be attending the conference as well, it will give me a pretty busy week of watching her children. I've still been watching her kids about 4 days a week. I don't have any exciting plans for this week, but Brian and I do have a fun Thanksgiving planned. We head to Athens, Greece on Friday, November 28th for a 3 night vacation. Since Brian doesn't get Thanksgiving off here, we're leaving Friday morning and returning Monday afternoon. I'm really looking forward to seeing a new place!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Family in Germany!
The picture above is Brian and Lacy on her first night here. We sampled beer from a local brewery and ate traditional German cuisine. Lacy and I did some sightseeing around Bonn over the next few days while she was here.
This is a picture of Lacy and me on the University of Bonn grounds. We had some great weather and were able to see all of the sights in Bonn! After doing lots of sightseeing in the city, we decided to really get to know the culture of the city by going to a show. Lacy is an actor so she definitely wanted to experience Theater in Germany. Unfortunately, the show we attended was horrible! Haha! We obviously couldn't understand it, but it had no action. We're still not sure what the show was about, but we did understand that it was four people in business suits standing and talking in only one room....needless to say, we left after 30 minutes!
On the 31st, 7 of us went to Amsterdam to celebrate Halloween. We didn't dress up (since no one does or celebrates Halloween in Europe), but we had a lot of fun! We walked around the city, went to several bars, and really had a great time!
Monday, October 27, 2008
On Friday night, the other TLP, Brad, had a friend come into town. We decided to go out in Cologne. This is a much bigger city than Bonn and has a lot more to do. It's only about a 25 minute train ride. We had a great time out and were even able to sing karaoke (in English).
The picture above is of the Dom (huge Cathedral) in Cologne. Construction of this church began in 1248 and took, with interruptions, until 1880 to complete – a period of over six hundred years! It's such a beautiful Cathedral. Here's a picture of the interior. I didn't take very many pictures
This week should be far more eventful. Lacy arrives TOMORROW! I'm so excited to have her here for 2 weeks. Randy will also be here on November 7th! For Halloween, a group of 7 (Me, Brian, Lacy, Brad, Nick, Daniel, and Gabby) will be going to Amsterdam. I'm not sure what we're dressing up as, but I'm super excited. This is going to be such a fun couple of weeks.
Monday, October 20, 2008
We did some sightseeing in the city first before exploring the mountains. It was a little hazy, so we weren't able to see as much as we would have hoped, but it was still breathtaking. We decided to take a gondola lift up to the top so we could get a better view and do some hiking! We were able to explore the area and had an amazing time. I really think Switzerland is the most beautiful place I've ever been. I'm very excited to go back again in December with Marie and Nick for a 3 day ski trip!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Our Building
Things are going really great here. Last week was pretty quiet. I had a really bad cold and am just getting over it. (I guess that's what sleeping outside for 3 nights in a tent will do...) We don't have much planned for this week, but we're planning to go to Switzerland this weekend if we're able to get a car from Kautex. The plane and train tickets are too expensive to Switzerland so we're waiting on the response from Brian's manager.
One of Brian's college roommates, Jon Ong, will be in Howr, Switzerland for work on Friday night and we really want to visit him. If we're able to go, we'd spend Friday in Howr and Saturday in Zurich. I really hope it works out.
The weather here has been pretty nice over the last week. It's been in the low 60's and hasn't rained in a few days! I've been a little homesick after hearing about the 80 degree weather, fun tailgates, pumpkin carving, and hot cider in Michigan, but still am having a great time and looking forward to this weekend! Luckily Lacy will be here in 2 weeks! I can't wait! :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
There are 14 different beer tents, each a different brew. All of the tents allow up to 6 or 7 thousand people into the tents! In order to get in, we had to arrive around 8am just to make it inside. Once inside, you're lucky if
After a good 10 hours or so at the festival, we'd head back to the campground to a night of camping. This was the coldest experience I've ever had. Sleeping in 30 degree weather just isn't as fun as you'd think... ;) In the morning, our car was actually frozen shut and there was a 1/2 inch of ice on the windows. Although the nights were rough, I wouldn't have missed a chance to experience Oktoberfest. It was an experience of a lifetime and definitely exceeded my expectations.
We arrived back in Bonn yesterday around 3pm. Brian leaves today to visit a plant in Northern Germany, but I choose to stay home this time. I need a little time to relax and warm up!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Since it was dark when we got to our hotel last night, I wasn't sure what to expect within the city. We're staying at a small Bed and Breakfast in the town. After Brian, Brad, and Nick left for work this morning, I slowly woke up, got ready for the day, and went downstairs. I assumed I could get breakfast, but it turned out I missed it. I went out in search of Breakfast or coffee, but quickly realized it only took me about 3 minutes to walk through the entire town and not a single restaurant or store...haha!
Brian forgot to mention there would be 2 of us staying in a room, so we ended up with a single bed last night. Since the reception was closed (our room keys were sitting on a table), we decided we'd try and change in the morning. So this morning, Brian requested to move to a double room. After I went down to get our new keys, I found out she put us into the biggest room! It's really nice, with a couch, large bathroom, and queen bed! I love it - it's definitely country Germany at it's best. The owner realized I didn't make it to breakfast and made me breakfast and even invited me to eat lunch with her family! Talk about hospitality!
Well, tomorrow night we're off to the Czech Republic to another plant...it should be an interesting road trip!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
K College Volleyball Girls Reunite in Germany
We were able to do some sightseeing in the city on Friday. We went to the Beethoven House Museum, walked along the Rhine, visited the dorm room Liz lived here while on Study abroad, saw the University and Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful day, sunny and 70's! It was the warmest day so far! On Friday night, we headed out for a night on the town. It was a great reunion and we all had a little too much fun!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Our first night out
Last night all 5 of us went to see The Dark Knight in English! It was nice to see an American movie here. It was Gabby's first time watching a movie in English at the theater.
This weekend Brian and I have our first visitors. My friends from K, Liz and Bridgett, are staying with us Thursday - Sunday! It will be really nice to have friends here and great to catch up with my old teammates! I'm sure I'll have more pictures from this weekend to post. :)
Next week Brian will start traveling to a few of the Kautex plants and I'll be able to go with him. We'll start Monday at the Leer facility in Northern Germany, then on Thursday we'll be in Mallarsdorf...conveniently located near Munich. We'll spend the weekend in Munich at Oktoberfest then head out on Sunday to Prague. I can't wait to see all of these new places and experience Oktoberfest!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sammy came to visit...
We are very lucky to have Sammy and Tiki staying with their Grandparents for 6 months! We wish they could be here, but we know Grandma and Grandpa Haglund are taking great care of them both! In fact, Sammy actually sleeps with them every night.
Brian and I welcomed Sammy (our dog) and Tiki (our cat) into our family almost 2 years ago. Sammy is a puggle, 1/2 pug and 1/2 beagle. He's loves being around people and never wants to be alone. He loves sleeping all day, but gets very excited at the sight of new people. When he's in the mood to play, he'll run circles around the house or yard. He's really good at playing fetch indoors and tug of war.
Tiki is a very sneaky cat. We actually call him sneaks! His favorite thing to do is....you guessed it....eat. He's an 18 pound cat!! We try to keep him on a diet, but he tends to either eat Sammy's food or sneaks dinner off our plates when we're not looking! He and Sammy love to play together. They play like 2 dogs, maybe because they are so close in weight. :)
As you can tell, I really miss Sams and Sneaks! I can't wait to see them in March!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Our New Place
This is not the most exciting video in the world, but it shows our new apartment! Have a look and see where we'll be living for the next 6 months! We really like the apartment. It's only two blocks from the Rhine and a block from all of the shops, restaurants, and bars. The only thing it's missing is a dryer, microwave, and dishwasher...I guess I'll have to learn how to iron, cook, and hand wash dishes. ;)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Cramped Quarters
A word of advice...make sure when in Germany you let the hotel receptionist know there will be two people in the hotel room when booking. Kautex forgot to mention that piece of information and this is where we've been living. It's in a great location in the city, so I've decided it's better than our first hotel that was a 30 minute walk downtown. :)
Monday, September 8, 2008
We arrived in Bonn last week. It's been quite an adventure. We are yet to move into our apartment, so we've been living in a hotel for about a week. We're suppose to have it this weekend, so I'm very excited to say the least. For the last week, we've been trying to explore the city. I love walking by the Rhine and window shopping in the city center. It's very peaceful by the river. There are long bike and walking paths that run the length of the river with lots of benches and grassy areas to sit and read.
We've also been able to experience a bit of the night life. Beer seems to be a way of life here, but it's definitely not the Miller Light I'm used to. It's definitely good beer and of course, I really like it... :) The bars have been fun, but I'm still waiting for the shout out to "hefeweizen" from Brian.
I interviewd in Cologne on Monday. That was an experience. I was very lost in the city for about an hour. Thank goodness for cell phones, I was able to call Brian and he googled my destination. I made it there just in time with a few minutes to spare! I got the job, but I'm not sure of all the details yet. I'm talking with the manager today to hear more about the position and details. I'm not sure if I want to commute that far, but it depends on what the offer is.
I miss everyone back home, especially talking to my family everyday. My mom was right...I definitely miss hearing her voice 5 times a day!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Brian and I had a great time visiting the city of Augusta. EZ-GO gives us a lot to think about. I loved the city! It's a very beautiful place and I would love to live there in the future. Over the next few months, Brian will continue to decide where he wants to end up after his rotation in Germany. I'm excited to settle down and find a place to live.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Visiting Papa

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Beginning